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We’ll Bring Your Bouquet Back to Life

With our florist partners, we source fresh flowers at wholesale prices to preserve your bouquet’s beauty—just as you remember it.


How To Recreate Your Bouquet For Preservation


Share your vision

Gather a list of the flowers you'd like in your bouquet or send us a few photos of your bouquet where we can clearly see everything.


Book a Call

Schedule a call with us to confirm flower availability and get a custom estimate. Gather a list of the flowers you recall in your bouquet.


Place Your Order

Once everything is set, we’ll guide you through the next steps. Your bouquet recreation will begin, and soon, your preservation.

Recreate Your Bouquet
—We'll Make It Timeless.

bouquet casting co

Let’s turn your bouquet into a lasting keepsake. Book a call to get started today.


owner of Bouquet Casting Co

We take care of everything—from sourcing fresh flowers to preserving and shipping your bouquet—so you can cherish it for decades to come. Memories may fade, but your bouquet will be a timeless reminder of your special day.

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